Greetings, we're so excited that you sopped by! Let's have some fun, relax and enjoy a wonderful evening. Recently Orange Street Storehouse and Coffee Tea and Conversations with Michelle hosted a Paint n' Sip with a tea tasting event. Everyone had a wonderful time. Just getting out the house and spending time with a group of wonderful people. We shared laughs, paint and drink tea and coffee for hours.
After several requests Orange Street Storehouse and Coffee Tea and Conversations with Michelle has decided to host online events at your request. We will ship you the items and you can participate in the comfort of your own home. You can also gather a few family and friends to enjoy this event as well. To host an online event and tasting please contact customer service at ostreet2016@gmail.com.
This kit comes with the following:
- 1 ceramic DIY teapot planter (not used for drinking tea, crafts only)
- paint kit ( simple brush set, color palette tray of paint)
- Tasting kit (3 sample teas, fill-your-own teabags, how to brew card, tasting journals note cards).
- 10% OFF discount code on your next order. Valid for 60 days only.
To purchase click here.